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Mvine continues to make life easier for UK public sector procurement
10 Jul 2018 17:15
Digital Marketplace supplier Mvine Ltd simplifies its listings for G-Cloud 10 to help hard-pressed buyers in Central and Local Government and Devolved Administrations
Mvine announces today the immediate availability of three new offerings on the Government Digital Marketplace under the G-Cloud 10 framework. Whereas suppliers have tended to list every last piece of component separately, causing a proliferation of listings and unnecessary complexity, Mvine has reversed that trend. Mvine has simplified its offer and reduced the number of listings it has to just three listings direct and three listings with its partner Bramble Hub. The move is designed to make life easier for those working in UK public sector procurement.
Frank Joshi, director at Mvine, said: “Procurement is hard enough without suppliers obliging buyers to trawl endless listings to find what they need. We’ve architected and engineered our Cloud software and Cloud support to be as simple to buy as they are simple to use and benefit from. I think all suppliers owe that to those public sector buyers hard-pressed to find value.”
“Mvine has had listings on G-Cloud since it began and saw firsthand the proliferation of listings. For a while, we felt we had to do the same, for example, under G-Cloud 8 framework, Mvine had 15 services listed. But we quickly discovered we cannot inflict that amount of complexity on to buyers,” said Frank Joshi.
Buyers will find Mvine listings on G-Cloud 10 under “Cloud software” [8,004 listings in total] and under “Cloud support” [13,742 listings in total]
Cloud software
Mvine for Cyber-Secure Collaboration Portal
Service ID: 2222 7974 8499 243
Mvine for Distributed Digital Identity Management
Service ID: 3343 7983 3354 303
Cloud support
Cloud support for Central and Local Government, and Devolved Administrations
Service ID: 8907 2732 0339 063
Mvine announces today the immediate availability of three new offerings on the Government Digital Marketplace under the G-Cloud 10 framework. Whereas suppliers have tended to list every last piece of component separately, causing a proliferation of listings and unnecessary complexity, Mvine has reversed that trend. Mvine has simplified its offer and reduced the number of listings it has to just three listings direct and three listings with its partner Bramble Hub. The move is designed to make life easier for those working in UK public sector procurement.
Frank Joshi, director at Mvine, said: “Procurement is hard enough without suppliers obliging buyers to trawl endless listings to find what they need. We’ve architected and engineered our Cloud software and Cloud support to be as simple to buy as they are simple to use and benefit from. I think all suppliers owe that to those public sector buyers hard-pressed to find value.”
“Mvine has had listings on G-Cloud since it began and saw firsthand the proliferation of listings. For a while, we felt we had to do the same, for example, under G-Cloud 8 framework, Mvine had 15 services listed. But we quickly discovered we cannot inflict that amount of complexity on to buyers,” said Frank Joshi.
Buyers will find Mvine listings on G-Cloud 10 under “Cloud software” [8,004 listings in total] and under “Cloud support” [13,742 listings in total]
Cloud software
Mvine for Cyber-Secure Collaboration Portal
Service ID: 2222 7974 8499 243
Mvine for Distributed Digital Identity Management
Service ID: 3343 7983 3354 303
Cloud support
Cloud support for Central and Local Government, and Devolved Administrations
Service ID: 8907 2732 0339 063
09 Jul 2018 09:00