Mvine For Virtual Data Rooms

The Mvine Virtual Data Room Portal enables the parties involved in Mergers & Acquisitions (M&A) to manage the large volume of data on both sides. It improves the efficiency of knowledge exchange between teams and provides a meaningful, live, audit trail which is easy to understand. Mvine gives users the capability to update one another rapidly during the fast paced due diligence phase. The platform makes real life data rooms with filing cabinets obsolete.

Maximise the efficiency of due diligence practice. Accelerate post-acquisition integration

For M&A to be successful it is vital to develop a common frame of reference spanning conflicting organisational cultures. The platform is organised around the user but it is also designed with the larger M&A framework in mind. Teams of interested parties sit around a central data vault in a secure collaborative space which has been built to accommodate the sensitive information typically present in M&A. An active dashboard gives every user a real time view of the latest additions to the site tailored so they do not see inappropriate sensitive information. The platform still caters for the collective needs of all parties: it increases value for both firms by integrating knowledge into a single space and making it intuitively searchable.

Integral to the Mvine system is the ability to create as many teams as are required to support both a pre-merger and post-merger or acquisition situation. A typical M&A scenario will involve multiple stakeholders grouped into different teams. Examples of these teams include a blend of the following:

  • Buyers – parties on the buy side of the M&A.
  • Sellers – parties on the sell side of the M&A.
  • Legal – a mix of legal personnel and their clients (buyers and/or sellers)
  • Professional Services – special advisers and their clients (buyers and/or sellers)

Other teams can easily be set up to support other aspects of the due diligence process and post-acquisition. These could include:


Teams brought together from both sides to review specific issues e.g.:

  • HR contracts
  • IP ownership
  • Pensions portfolio and liabilities


Teams brought together to facilitate the merger:

  • IT, sales, marketing, R&D departments.
  • New team on-boarding.

Teams brought together to facilitate the merger:

  • Store documentation centrally to decrease the risk of losing information in fast paced M&A.
  • Create a secure space where the key stakeholders within and outside both organisations can access documents. Maximise asset valuation by inviting multiple buyers.
  • Reduce hard and opportunity costs during M&A and save resources that would be spent on physical data rooms.
  • Avoid wasting time chasing people. Respond rapidly to events and get the right information to the right person with SMS and email notifications, a dashboard that updates in real time and secure Twitter-style feeds
  • Determine who can view documentation and who cannot down to a very specific level.
  • Avoid the difficulties improper documentation can pose for knowledge sharing during M&A. Use the customisable search function to find the document you need without having to guess where someone else might have placed it.
  • Find the crucial person with the search directory without having to know their email address, thereby saving time.

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