Identity and Access Management

So long as your users stay behind the firewall, you can design security policies that protect access to your business applications. What happens when access is required to cloud based applications. In this case cloud SSO providers require you to create yet another directory or virtual identity source. Even more a problem, what do you do when you need to give clients and/or partners access to your applications, whether they be without or outside of your firewall! Another bigger identity store with users from outside the organisation!

Features Icon

Identity and Access Management (IAM) is the security discipline that enables the right individuals from the right organisations to access the right resources at the right times for the right reasons. With this is mind, the Mvine solution provides a comprehensive range features to both improve the user experience and enhance your security and compliance.

The Mvine IDM Diagram

Source: Deloitte

Unlike other solution providers, Mvine enables you to realise the full advantages of identity management based on Federated Authentication and Distributed Identity.

Federated Authentication

Federated Authentication

This solution is especially suited to organisations that have multiple, internal user, sources of identity and needs to provide IDM & SSO solutions to internal and external applications. Mvine provide all the tools to aggregate or federate the different user stores without the need to have access to user or admin passwords.

Distributed Identity

Distributed Identity

Mvine solves the issues faced with multiple heterogeneous user stores or cross domain user provisioning by connecting multiple IdPs and SPs via a SAML2 IdP proxy. The perfect solution for multiple businesses with complex user identity and application management requirements that span multiple business units, departments and partners.

Multi-Factor Authentication

Multi-Factor Authentication

For more secure applications add Multi-Factor Authentication to reduce fraud and establish identity assurance by adding an additional authentication step during the registration and login process.

Multi-Factor Authentication Biometric

Multi-Factor Authentication (Biometric)

For more secure applications add Multi-Factor Authentication to reduce fraud and establish identity assurance by adding an additional authentication step during the registration and login process.

Customisable Registration & Data Collection Forms

Customisable Registration & Data Collection Forms

Registration and data collection forms can be configured and styled to match the look and feel of your brand. Common features such as CAPTCHA can be added to improve authenticity.

Mobile Optimised Registration Screens

Mobile Optimised Registration Screens

Registration experience can be made seamless for users who interact with your brand across multiple devices and applications.

Real-Time Field Validation

Real-Time Field Validation

Use real-time validation on form fields. Manage Terms and Conditions, Privacy Policy & Acceptance Policy Additional services include: email validation, PAF address or postal code checking.

Conditional Workflows

Conditional Workflows

Dynamically trigger form fields or distinct user flows based on inputs to previous fields or data already stored about a customer. Perfect for on boarding users to new applications, where the user is only asked for information not known rather than being asked to fill in the registration process all over again.

Email Confirmation & Password Reset Flows

Email Confirmation & Password Reset Flows

Simplify email verification and password reset with a one time (short life span) link sent in an email.

Account Linking

Account Linking

For the more social applications, let your users link social identities to their existing account. Mvine manages the entire workflow of merging an existing account with a social identity, helping you eliminate support costs associated with forgotten passwords.

Profile Pages

Profile Pages

The Mvine Platform offers a range of features and facilities to create and manage user profile pages that can include any data: name, email, demographics, photos, subscription preferences etc.

In addition, user data can be added via our API to existing user data sources: CRM, ERP, Service Desk etc. Plus data can be added via external systems and services: credit agencies, address databases, public identity systems such as the Government Verify service.

Users can also take control of defined attributes and for social applications users can define their own consent for each attribute stored.

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